Center Overview
The Bioresources Development Center, Ilorin, Kwara State is one of the sixteen Bioresources Development Center’s established in 2016. The sixteen (16) centers were distributed across the geo-ecological/political zones of the Nation to address the youth restiveness, unemployment, food insecurity and lack of indigenous capacity for Bioresources identification & utilization. The Centre is situated within the Kwara State University (KWASU) at a distance of five Kilometers (5KM) to the Kwara State University (KWASU) main campus. The Centre is further responsible for the initiation of key bio-enterprises from indigenous biological materials found within the location of our operations, as well as building capacity of local entrepreneurs in some of the matured agriculture-related bio-enterprises, human and financial management, information communication technology (ICT), business plan preparation, legal and regulatory matters, bioresources knowledge management, life sciences and technical information/skills, continuous bioresources research, networking and fund sourcing. Similarly, the Bioresources Development Centres also include containment facilities, structures and equipment used for the bio prospecting, exploitation and development of these indigenous biological resources and processing into products and services.
Center Objectives
Ensuring significant grass root empowerment of the North Central Region through profitable exploitation and development of indigenous bioresources. And also to sustain local capacity for efficient and effective research and development, field trials and promotion of biotechnology processes to achieve value addition on development of indigenous bioresources into products in order to diversify the Nation’s economy.
Center Research Capacity
The center is administratively bottom loaded with only three (3) Ph.D. staff. The staff are competent and handles basic and applied research.
List of Bioresources Identified:
- Achatinoidea (Snail)
- Citrus aurantium (Orange)
- Gossypiumm herbaceum (Cotton)
- Khaya senegalensis (Mohagany)
- Vitellaria paradoxa (Shea butter)
- Mangifera indica (Mango)
- Parkia biglobosa (Locus bean)
- Rabbit
- Sheep
- Goat
- Cattle
- Cat Fish
- Tilapia